Saturday, November 17, 2007

Weird thing on fish

SG 1.026
pH 8.4
NH3 0
NO2 0
NO3 20

At least I'm consistant. Im gonna see if the LFS has any salifert tests, to double check the readings. I took out the biowheels 2 days ago, that should help. I'll watch what I'm feeding but the crab and shrimp are eating from my hands and its hard to stop.

I'm going to be taking one of the Red Honey Damsels back, he's just being a bully to everyone in the tank. The rest of the fish get along OK. So I'm going to take out the LR and get the red honey out and take him back. My wife might throw a fit, but I'll have to convince her its this $10 fish you got on a whim, or that $60 fish you've wanted for months.

While I'm doing all that, Im gonna have to pull out one of my Fire Goby's. He's got something weird hanging out of his gill. I kinda hope he inhaled a shrimp or something, and its not some parasite. But I'm gonna get him out and see if I can tug on it with a pair of tweezers.

Also having a problem with my plenum. I really want to use one, but I put sugar fine sand down as my first 2 layers and all I can find to cover the PVC frame is plastic window screen which usually has too large a gap. I'm gonna go to hope depot and check to see how small the mesh is, if its small enough I'll try and if nothing else will have my rock laying on PVC not glass.

I went to the Marine Aquaruarists Round Table of Sacramento tonite too. Just sat through the Q&A, left right when they started the show and tell portions. I cant really get frags yet anyhow.

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