Friday, November 2, 2007

First Test Results

Bought a basic API Saltwater Master Test Kit today, figured I can fill in the stuff I need for corals when I am ready to take that step. Pleasantly surprised about the results.

pH: 8.4
Amonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 40

I was expecting the nitrates to be high, thats higher than I'd like. I had already planned another 5gal RO water change to help with the algae so I'll make sure to do a gravel-vac when I change the water. I also need to buy a new hydrometer and calibrate it to the one the LFS has. I think my salinity is high, but I wont know for sure till I get a new one. The last one I tested there was WAY off, showing a 3.0 to their 2.6, but Im hoping I can get a good one this time.
Lost my emerald crab today, too. Found him floating around. Was sad, but I'll add one later on, after there is more to eat on the rock. I thought he was OK when I put some algae discs in the tank. Might be the type of algae that got him, but he grabbed a disk and started to munch on it.

So anyhow, thats news.

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