Saturday, November 10, 2007

Testing, algae, new friends.

Salinity 1.027
pH 8.4
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate Still 30-40. Well I have been feeding the crabs algae disks. I'll cut that dowl to once every 2 days and be careful on my feeding. I'm doing a water change tomorrow too.

I think I deffinately have some Coraline Algae growing now. I bought some Purple Up, but I read too many posts saying not to, so what I figure I will do is when I buy Live Rock I will put it in a tub with an airstone and a small dose of it, then kinda spray down the rock before putting it into my tank. I'll prolly take about 1/2 the LR I get for the aquascape to do this and let the other cure naturally. I'll take pics of that.

I also went back to the LFS to get a few Nassarius Snails and ended up buying a cleaner shrimp. The guy showed me how they will climb up onto your hand when you act a certain way. I'll try to get one more as long as this guy survives. The LFS guy also gave me a few extra shells for my hermit crabs as I mentioned the shells they were in had holes on the back. This brings my Clean Up Crew to 4 Nassarius Snails, 2 Turbo Snails, 2 Hermit Crabs, 1 Red Leg Hermit Crab, 1 Emerald Crab(but hes really red), and 1 cleaner shrimp.

Pics below are dated and focused on the algae growth over the last week, oh and a pick of my shrimp & snails. You can see one of them buried in the sand, I cant find them now.


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